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Hiking with a Border Collie: Tips and Tricks

Hiking with a Border Collie can be a truly enjoyable and rewarding experience. These intelligent, energetic, and agile dogs are well-suited to outdoor activities, making them the perfect companions for hitting the trails. In this article, we’ll cover tips and tricks for successfully hiking with a Border Collie, ensuring that both you and your furry friend have an enjoyable time.

border collie

Understanding Your Border Collie


Border Collies are known for their lively personalities and eagerness to please. They’re quick learners and generally respond well to training. As a herding breed, they have strong instincts to chase and control, so it’s important to keep this in mind when hiking.

Physical Abilities

Border Collies are built for speed, stamina, and agility. They’re well-suited for long hikes and challenging terrain. However, it’s important to remember that, like humans, they need to build up their endurance gradually.


Border Collies are highly intelligent and thrive on mental stimulation. This makes them great trail companions, as they’ll enjoy the challenges and new experiences that hiking provides.

Hiking Preparation

Physical Conditioning

Before embarking on a hike with your Border Collie, it’s important to ensure they’re in good physical shape. Gradually increase the length and difficulty of your walks, and consider incorporating some uphill and downhill work to help build strength and stamina.

Basic Obedience Training

Your dog should have a solid foundation in basic obedience, including commands such as “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “leave it.” This will make it easier to manage them on the trail and ensure their safety.

Selecting the Right Gear

Invest in a comfortable and secure harness, a sturdy leash, and a collapsible water bowl for your Border Collie. Don’t forget to pack poop bags, a first aid kit, and any necessary medications.

  1. Harness: A well-fitting, padded harness is important for your dog’s comfort and safety. Look for one with a secure attachment point for the leash, as well as easy-to-adjust straps for a snug fit. A handle on the back can be helpful for assisting your dog over obstacles.
  2. Leash: Opt for a sturdy, non-retractable leash that’s around 6 feet long. This allows your dog enough freedom to explore while still keeping them under control. A hands-free leash that attaches to your waist can be a convenient option for hiking.
  3. Collapsible Water Bowl: A lightweight, collapsible water bowl is essential for providing your dog with water on the go. Make sure it’s durable and easy to clean.
  4. Dog Backpack: If your Border Collie is well-conditioned, consider a dog backpack. This allows them to carry their own supplies, such as water, food, and poop bags. Be sure to choose a backpack that fits well and doesn’t hinder their movement.
  5. Poop Bags and Holder: Always bring poop bags to clean up after your dog. A poop bag holder that attaches to your dog’s leash or your backpack can make it easy to access the bags when needed.
  6. First Aid Kit: Carry a first aid kit specifically designed for dogs, which includes items like tweezers, gauze, antiseptic wipes, and a tick removal tool. Familiarize yourself with basic first aid procedures for pets.
  7. Dog Booties: For rough terrain or extreme temperatures, consider protective dog booties. These can prevent injuries to your dog’s paws and provide traction on slippery surfaces.

Trail Etiquette

Leash Manners

It’s essential to have your Border Collie on a leash at all times while hiking. This not only protects them and other hikers but also ensures the safety of local wildlife.

Respecting Wildlife

Teach your dog to respect wildlife by not allowing them to chase or harass animals. This is especially important when hiking in areas with sensitive ecosystems.

Giving Way to Other Hikers

When encountering other hikers on the trail, it’s polite to step aside and allow them to pass. Keep your dog close to you and under control at all times.

Safety on the Trail

Weather Considerations

Before heading out, check the weather forecast and plan accordingly. In hot weather, avoid hiking during peak hours and ensure your Border Collie has access to shade and water. In colder conditions, consider a dog jacket or booties to keep your pet warm and comfortable.

Insect Protection

Ticks, fleas, and other insects can pose a risk to your dog’s health while hiking. Use a veterinarian-approved insect repellent and check your dog for ticks after each hike. You can get topicals that protect against ticks and fleas. You can even get dog collars that do the same.

Tick Checks: After each hike, thoroughly inspect your dog for ticks, paying particular attention to areas like the ears, under the collar, and between the toes. If you find a tick, remove it promptly using a tick removal tool or fine-tipped tweezers. Grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible, and pull it straight out without twisting or crushing the tick. Clean the area with soap and water or an antiseptic wipe.

Recognizing Signs of Fatigue

Keep an eye on your Border Collie for signs of fatigue, such as excessive panting, slowing down, or limping. If you notice any of these signs, give them a break and consider shortening the hike.

The Benefits of Hiking with a Border Collie

Physical Health

Hiking is an excellent form of exercise for both you and your Border Collie. It helps maintain a healthy weight, builds muscle strength, and improves cardiovascular fitness.

Mental Health

Hiking provides mental stimulation for your Border Collie, as they explore new environments and navigate obstacles. This can help reduce boredom and prevent behavioral problems.


Hiking exposes your dog to various sights, smells, and sounds, which can help improve their social skills and confidence.


Hiking with a Border Collie can be a fantastic bonding experience for both you and your furry companion. With proper preparation, training, and trail etiquette, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying many memorable adventures together.


  1. Is it safe to take my Border Collie off-leash while hiking? It’s best to keep your Border Collie on a leash while hiking to ensure their safety and the safety of others, including wildlife.
  2. How do I know if a trail is suitable for my Border Collie? Research the trail ahead of time, taking note of terrain, elevation, and any potential hazards. Start with easier trails and gradually increase the difficulty as your dog becomes more experienced.
  3. How much water should I bring for my Border Collie on a hike? A general guideline is to bring at least one liter of water per hour of hiking for your dog, but this can vary depending on the weather and activity level.
  4. At what age can I start hiking with my Border Collie? It’s generally safe to start hiking with your Border Collie once they’ve reached around one year of age. However, always consult with your veterinarian before beginning any new exercise routine.
  5. Can I take my Border Collie hiking in the snow? Yes, Border Collies can hike in the snow. However, it’s essential to take precautions, such as using dog booties to protect their paws and providing a jacket for warmth.

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