Stronger Together, Forged in Adventure

How to Make a Longboard Faster

Longboarding is an exciting sport and an excellent way to get around town. However, every longboarder wants to make their board faster. Fortunately, there are several actions that you can take to achieve this goal. In this article, we will discuss five simple yet effective ways to make your longboard faster.


Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Choose the Right Wheels
  • Reduce Friction
  • Keep Your Bearings Clean and Lubricated
  • Upgrade Your Trucks
  • Adjust Your Riding Style
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


Longboarding is all about speed, and if your longboard is slow, it can ruin your whole experience. There are several ways to make your longboard faster, and we will explore some of them in this article. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned longboarder, these tips will help you maximize the speed and performance of your board.

Choose the Right Wheels

One of the most critical factors affecting the speed of your longboard is the type of wheels you use. If your wheels are too soft, they will create more friction with the ground, slowing you down. On the other hand, harder wheels have less grip, which can make them faster.

If you want to make your longboard faster, consider choosing wheels with a diameter of 70mm or more and a durometer of 80a or higher. These wheels have less grip and are perfect for cruising at high speeds.

Reduce Friction

Another way to make your longboard faster is to reduce the friction between the wheels and the ground. One way to do this is by using ceramic bearings. These bearings have less friction than steel bearings, which can significantly increase your speed.

Another way to reduce friction is by using skateboard wax on the bottom of your board. The wax creates a slick surface that reduces friction, allowing you to glide faster and more smoothly.

Keep Your Bearings Clean and Lubricated

Dirty or dry bearings can significantly reduce the speed of your longboard. Therefore, it’s essential to keep them clean and lubricated. To do this, remove the bearings from your wheels and clean them with a bearing cleaner. Then, apply a few drops of lubricant and reassemble the bearings.

Regularly cleaning and lubricating your bearings will ensure that they roll smoothly and quickly, giving you the maximum speed possible.

Upgrade Your Trucks

Your trucks play a crucial role in the speed and performance of your longboard. If your trucks are too loose or too tight, they can slow you down and make it difficult to maneuver.

To make your longboard faster, consider upgrading your trucks to high-performance trucks. These trucks are designed to provide a smooth ride and maximum speed. They also have tighter tolerances, which reduce wobbling and improve stability.

Adjust Your Riding Style

Your riding style can also affect the speed of your longboard. If you’re riding in an upright position, you’re likely slowing yourself down. To go faster, lean forward and tuck your body closer to the board. This aerodynamic position reduces wind resistance, allowing you to achieve higher speeds.

Another way to increase your speed is to pump your board. Pumping involves shifting your weight back and forth to generate momentum. This technique can significantly increase your speed without the need for pushing.


Making your longboard faster is not rocket science. By implementing the five tips we’ve discussed in this article, you can significantly increase the speed and performance of your board. Remember to choose the right wheels, reduce friction, keep your bearings clean and lubricated, upgrade your trucks, and adjust your riding style.


  1. Can I make my longboard faster without spending money? Yes, you can
  1. How often should I clean and lubricate my bearings? It’s best to clean and lubricate your bearings every 3-4 months or sooner if you ride your longboard frequently.
  2. Will using ceramic bearings make a significant difference in speed? Yes, ceramic bearings have less friction than steel bearings, which can significantly increase your speed.
  3. Can I make my longboard faster by tightening my trucks? No, tightening your trucks too much can actually slow you down and make it difficult to turn.
  4. Can pumping my longboard really increase my speed? Yes, pumping can generate momentum and increase your speed without the need for pushing. It takes practice to master, but it’s a great way to go faster without getting tired.

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