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The Benefits of Polyurethane Skateboard Wheels

Skateboarding has been around since the 1950s, and over the years it has developed into an incredibly diverse sport with a wide variety of styles, tricks, and equipment. One of the most important components of any skateboard setup are the wheels.

They provide traction, speed, and control – crucial elements for any skateboarder. Before we dive deeper into the benefits of polyurethane skateboard wheels, let’s take a brief look at how skateboard wheels have evolved over time.

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Brief History of Skateboard Wheels

Early skateboarders rode on metal or clay wheels that offered little grip or shock absorption. In the 1970s, urethane wheels were introduced to skateboarding by Frank Nasworthy.

These new wheels revolutionized skateboarding because they offered better grip and were able to absorb more shock than previous materials. Urethane also allowed for a wider range of wheel shapes and sizes to be created.

Today, there are many different types of skateboard wheels available on the market with various compositions and durometers (hardness ratings). Choosing the right type of wheel can greatly impact your overall skating experience.

Importance of Choosing The Right Type Of Wheels For Skateboarding

Choosing the right type of skateboard wheel is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it can affect your ability to perform certain tricks or styles of skating.

Softer wheels will provide more grip for technical tricks while harder wheels will allow you to go faster on smooth surfaces like ramps or bowls. Secondly, choosing the right durometer will impact how comfortable your ride is.

Harder durometer (higher number) wheels will feel more responsive but also transmit more vibrations through your feet while riding on rough surfaces like streets or sidewalks. Softer durometer (lower number) wheels will offer a smoother ride but may cause drag when trying to maintain high speeds.

Ultimately selecting the right wheels is a personal choice that will depend on your skating style and preferences. However, choosing polyurethane wheels can offer many benefits across different styles of skateboarding.

Polyurethane Wheels: What Are They?

When it comes to choosing the right wheels for your skateboard, there are several factors to consider, such as size and durometer. One of the most popular materials used for skateboard wheels is polyurethane.

But what exactly is polyurethane, and why is it so widely used? Polyurethane (PU) is a type of polymer that can be either rigid or flexible, depending on its composition.

It’s known for its durability, resistance to abrasion and impact, and ability to withstand extreme temperatures. PU can be found in a variety of products such as furniture padding, insulation foam, adhesives, and coatings.

How Polyurethane Is Used in Skateboard Wheels

When it comes to skateboard wheels specifically, polyurethane offers several advantages over other materials such as rubber or plastic. Firstly, PU allows for greater control while riding due to its ability to absorb shock and vibrations from uneven terrain. This means riders can maintain better balance and stability while performing tricks or cruising around town.

Secondly, polyurethane provides the perfect balance between grip and speed – something that is crucial for skateboarders looking to perform at their best. The compound used in PU wheels ensures that they have enough grip on smooth surfaces while still being able to slide when needed on rougher terrain.

In addition to this balance between grip and speed, PU wheels are also highly customizable in terms of shape, color, size, and design. This means riders can choose a set of wheels that perfectly fit their personal style while also providing them with all the benefits of using polyurethane.

; Polyurethane is a versatile material that’s perfect for skateboarding due to its durability as well as its ability to provide a smooth ride and better control. If you’re a skateboarder looking for a set of wheels that can help you perform at your best, then polyurethane is definitely worth considering.

skateboard trucks

Durability and Longevity

One of the biggest benefits of polyurethane skateboard wheels is their durability and longevity. Skateboarding is a sport that puts a lot of wear and tear on your equipment, especially your wheels.

If you’re using wheels made from cheaper materials like plastic or rubber, they’re likely to wear down quickly and lose their shape, causing a bumpy ride and reducing control. Polyurethane is much more durable than other materials used in skateboarding wheels.

It can withstand the constant impact and friction from skating on pavement without wearing down as quickly as other materials. This means that polyurethane skateboard wheels can last longer than other types of wheels, saving you money in the long run since you won’t have to replace them as often.

Smooth Ride and Better Control

Another benefit of polyurethane skateboard wheels is their ability to absorb shock and vibration from rough terrain, leading to a smoother ride. When skateboarding on rough surfaces like cracked pavement or uneven sidewalks, vibrations can be felt throughout the board which makes it difficult to maintain control.

Polyurethane wheels are designed to absorb these vibrations, reducing fatigue on the rider’s feet while also improving stability. Polyurethane’s shock absorption properties not only make for a smoother ride but also help with better control over your board.

When skating with more rigid or harder material wheels like plastic or rubber, the impact when landing tricks can cause you to lose balance or even fall off your board entirely. With polyurethane skateboard wheels, however, this impact is dampened by the material making it easier for riders to maintain balance during landings.

Versatility in Terrain

Polyurethane skateboard wheels are also versatile when it comes to different types of terrain; they’re suitable for an array of surfaces including concrete skate parks, street-style obstacles such as stairs or rails, smooth pavement, and even rougher terrains like brick roads or rocky terrain. This versatility makes them a popular choice among skateboarders who seek to skate on different surfaces. Another advantage of polyurethane wheels is their range of durometers (hardness) which can be used for different types of terrain.

Wheels with lower durometers are softer and more suited for rougher surfaces like sidewalks or roads, while higher durometer wheels are harder and offer better control on smooth surfaces like skateparks. This range of durometers gives skateboarders the freedom to customize their skateboard setup for specific types of terrain, enhancing their overall performance.

Customization Options

Polyurethane skateboard wheels also offer customization options in terms of size, shape, color, and design. With such a wide range of customization options available, skateboarders can create a unique board that reflects their personality or style. Some companies even offer custom graphics on the wheels to further personalize your ride.

Customization doesn’t only enhance a rider’s personal style but can also provide some practical benefits too. For example, smaller wheels may be better suited for technical street skating while larger wheels work best for bombing hills or cruising around town at higher speeds.

By customizing your wheel size and shape to suit your preferred riding style you’ll not only be able to perform better but also look good doing it! Polyurethane skateboard wheels have many benefits including durability and longevity, impact absorption leading to smoother rides with better control over the board while offering versatility in terms of terrain types as well as customization options which allow riders to showcase their own individuality and style through their boards!


Recap of the Benefits of Using Polyurethane Skateboard Wheels

Throughout this article, we’ve explored the many benefits of using polyurethane skateboard wheels. Polyurethane is a material that is durable, long-lasting, and versatile. It offers a smooth ride and better control for riders of all levels.

Moreover, customization options allow riders to express their personal style while enjoying the benefits of polyurethane wheels. One of the most significant advantages of polyurethane skateboard wheels is their durability and longevity.

Unlike other materials, polyurethane can withstand wear and tear over time, making it an excellent investment for any skater. Additionally, this material absorbs shock and vibration better than traditional skateboard wheel materials such as plastic or metal.

Encouragement to Try Them Out for Yourself

If you’re interested in skateboarding or already a dedicated rider looking to switch up your current wheels’ material, you should give polyurethane wheels a try! The benefits are clear – they offer durability and longevity, a smooth ride with better control over your board, versatility in terrain options as well as customization options to fit your personal style.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different durometers based on your preferred skating surface – it can make all the difference in the world when it comes to comfort while riding. By trying out polyurethane skateboard wheels today, you’ll undoubtedly see why so many skilled riders have made them their go-to choice.

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