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The Joy of Land Paddling: Why It’s Worth Trying

Have you ever heard of land paddling? It’s a fun and exhilarating outdoor activity that involves riding a longboard while using a paddle to propel yourself forward. You might have seen people doing it around town, on bike paths or along beach boardwalks.

One of the biggest benefits of land paddling is that it provides an excellent low-impact workout for your entire body. Unlike other activities like running or cycling, which can put a lot of stress on your joints, land paddling engages your core, arms, and legs without putting too much strain on any one area.

It’s also a great way to get outside in the fresh air and enjoy some sunshine while getting fit. Another reason why many people enjoy land paddling is that it’s relatively easy to learn compared to other board sports like surfing or skateboarding.

With a little practice and patience, you can quickly master basic techniques like pushing off and maintaining balance, which will allow you to cruise comfortably down hills and along flat terrain. So if you’re looking for a fun new way to stay active this summer, give land paddling a try!

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get started with this exciting sport. From choosing the right board and paddle to mastering advanced techniques like cross-stepping and carving – we’ve got you covered!

Getting Started

Choosing the right board and paddle

When it comes to land paddling, choosing the right board and paddle is crucial. There are different types of boards on the market, but for starters, a longboard or cruiser board is a good option. These boards provide stability and control when paddling.

The length of the board should be around 36 inches or longer to accommodate proper foot placement. For the paddle, it’s important to choose one that’s adjustable in length so you can customize it to your height.

The paddle blade should also have a wide surface area for maximum push off with each stroke. Carbon fiber paddles are popular due to their lightweight design.

Proper gear and safety precautions

It’s essential to wear proper gear when land paddling, such as a helmet, wrist guards, knee pads, and elbow pads. This will protect you in case of an accident or fall.

Before starting your land paddling session, make sure you stretch your muscles properly. This helps prevent strains and injuries to muscles that may not be used regularly.

It’s also crucial to be aware of your surroundings when land paddling. Always choose a safe location away from cars or other obstacles that may cause danger.

Always check for cracks or debris on the pavement before starting your ride. By choosing the right equipment and taking necessary safety precautions, you’ll be able to enjoy land paddling without worrying about potential accidents or injuries.

Basic Techniques

Stance and Foot Placement

One of the first things to consider when land paddling is your stance. You need to position your feet correctly on the board so you can maintain balance and control while moving. Start by standing parallel to the board, with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Then, place one foot near the front of the board and one foot near the back. Keep your knees slightly bent, which will help you absorb any bumps or vibrations from riding over uneven surfaces.

Pushing off and Maintaining Balance

Once you have a solid stance, it’s time to start pushing off and maintaining balance. Take hold of your paddle with both hands and use it to push yourself forward.

As you begin moving, try to keep your weight evenly distributed across both feet. Avoid leaning too far forward or backward, as this can cause you to lose balance and fall off.

To maintain balance while land paddling, keep your core engaged and focused on maintaining a centered posture as you move. It may take some practice to get used to this new way of balancing but don’t get discouraged if it takes a few tries!

Turning and Stopping

Turning is accomplished using weight distribution in combination with pressure from one end or side of the paddle on the ground; similar in motion as skiing in many ways. Stopping requires dragging one end or side of the paddle along the ground while shifting weight back over that area; again, similar in motion as skiing. Learning how much pressure is needed for turning vs stopping takes some time but once mastered along with proper technique will make land paddling feel like an effortless experience!

Advanced Techniques:

Cross-stepping: Dancing with Your Land Paddle

If you’re really looking to up your land paddling game, then cross-stepping may be the technique for you. This carving technique involves moving your feet up and down the board while maintaining control of the paddle. It takes practice to master, but once you do, it’s a fun and impressive way to showcase your skills.

To start cross-stepping, position yourself in the center of the board with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a step forward with your front foot and move it towards the nose of the board.

Next, lift up your back foot and place it next to your front foot. Move your front foot back towards its original position and repeat this motion as you move up and down the board.

Carving: Carve Up The Road Like A Pro

Carving is another advanced technique that can help you take land paddling to the next level. Essentially, carving refers to moving from side-to-side while maintaining speed on a longboard or skateboard. Using this technique on a longboard allows riders to generate speed without having to push off as often.

To carve on a land paddle board, start by positioning yourself in an athletic stance toward one end of your board. Then shift your weight from side-to-side while leaning into each turn slightly with both feet.

Tricks: Adding Style Points To Your Riding

Once you have mastered basic techniques like pushing off and balancing, it’s time to add some style points by incorporating tricks into your ride! One trick that is popular among land paddlers is called “paddle toss.” This involves tossing the paddle into the air while maintaining balance on the board before catching it again. Another fun trick is called “shove-it.” This involves kicking out one end of the board while rotating it 180 degrees before landing back on the board.

Whichever trick you choose, be sure to practice in a safe environment and wear proper safety gear. With these advanced techniques under your belt, you’ll become a true land paddling pro in no time!

Finding a Good Spot to Land Paddle

Ideal Terrain for Land Paddling

When it comes to land paddling, not every location is created equal. Ideally, you want a flat terrain that is free of obstacles such as rocks or potholes.

A smooth surface with minimal cracks or bumps is best for maintaining your balance on the board. If you’re looking for an extra challenge, find a hill with a gentle slope where you can practice your carving techniques.

Safety Considerations When Choosing a Location

Safety should always be your top priority when choosing a location for land paddling. Avoid busy roads or areas with heavy pedestrian traffic, and always wear protective gear such as a helmet and elbow pads.

Be aware of any potential hazards in the area such as loose gravel or uneven pavement, and adjust your route accordingly. Before heading out to land paddle at a new location, it’s important to research local laws and regulations regarding skateboarding or longboarding in that area.

Some cities have specific laws prohibiting these activities on certain streets or sidewalks. In addition to following all local laws and regulations, consider investing in safety equipment like lights or reflective clothing if you plan on land paddling at night.

Overall, finding the right spot to land paddle requires careful consideration of both terrain conditions and safety factors. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to enjoy this fun activity while minimizing any risks associated with it.

Maintenance Tips for Your Board and Paddle

Cleaning your equipment after use

After each land paddling session, it’s important to clean your board and paddle. Saltwater, sand, and dirt can damage your equipment over time if left unattended.

First, rinse them off with fresh water to remove any debris. If there’s still residue on them, use a mild soap or cleaning solution that won’t harm the materials.

A soft brush will help scrub away any stubborn stains. Once they’re clean, dry your board and paddle completely before storing them in a cool, dry place.

Checking for wear and tear

Regularly inspecting your board and paddle can help prevent accidents while land paddling. Look for any cracks or damage on the deck or underside of the board.

If you see any signs of distress, stop using it immediately until you can get it repaired by a professional. Check the paddle for any warping or splintering that could potentially injure you during use.


Summary of key points

Land paddling is an excellent outdoor activity that is both fun and challenging. It involves the use of a longboard and a paddle to propel you forward, providing a great workout for your entire body. When starting out, it’s important to choose the right board and paddle, as well as practice basic techniques such as stance, balance, turning and stopping.

While land paddling can take some getting used to, it doesn’t take long before you’re carving up the pavement like a pro. With advanced techniques such as cross-stepping and tricks, you can take your land paddling skills to new heights.

Final thoughts on the benefits of land paddling

In addition to being a fun activity that gets you outdoors and provides great exercise, land paddling also offers mental benefits such as stress relief and increased focus. It’s a low-impact activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels. By choosing the right equipment and taking appropriate safety precautions, you can enjoy all the benefits of land paddling without any unnecessary risks.

So why not give it a try today? You might be surprised at how much fun it is!

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