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The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Longboard Bearings

Longboarding is a thrilling and exciting way to get around town or just have some fun. Whether you are cruising down a hill or simply commuting to work, having the right longboard setup can make all the difference in your riding experience. One crucial component of a longboard setup is the bearings. Bearings are what allow your wheels to spin smoothly and effortlessly, making for a faster and more comfortable ride. In this beginner’s guide, we will cover everything you need to know about longboard bearings, including the different types of bearings, how to choose the right ones for your riding style, and how to maintain them for optimal performance.

The Different Types of Longboard Bearings

When it comes to longboard bearings, there are several different types to choose from. Here are the most common types of longboard bearings:

  • Steel bearings: Steel bearings are the most common type of bearings and are typically the most affordable. They are durable and can withstand a lot of wear and tear, but they do require regular maintenance to keep them running smoothly.
  • Ceramic bearings: Ceramic bearings are a higher-end option and are known for their durability and smoothness. They require less maintenance than steel bearings and can last longer, but they are also more expensive.
  • Hybrid bearings: Hybrid bearings are a combination of steel and ceramic bearings, offering the best of both worlds. They are durable and long-lasting, while also providing a smooth ride. They are also more affordable than full ceramic bearings.
  • Built-in bearings: Built-in bearings are integrated into the wheels of the longboard, making for a more streamlined design. They are often easier to maintain than traditional bearings, but they can be more difficult to replace if they wear out.

How to Choose the Right Bearings for Your Riding Style

Choosing the right longboard bearings for your riding style is essential for a smooth and comfortable ride. Here are some factors to consider when choosing longboard bearings:

  • Speed: If you are looking to ride fast, you will want bearings that can handle high speeds and provide a smooth ride. Ceramic or hybrid bearings are often the best choice for speed.
  • Durability: If you plan on riding frequently or on rough terrain, you will want bearings that are durable and can withstand wear and tear. Steel or hybrid bearings are often the best choice for durability.
  • Cost: Bearings come at different price points, so it is essential to consider your budget when choosing them. Steel bearings are typically the most affordable, while ceramic bearings are the most expensive. Hybrid bearings offer a middle ground between affordability and quality.
  • Riding style: Different riding styles require different bearings. For example, if you are into downhill riding, you will want bearings that can handle high speeds and provide a smooth ride. If you are into cruising or commuting, you can opt for bearings that are more affordable and require less maintenance.

ABEC Ratings

ABEC ratings are often used to indicate the precision and quality of skateboard bearings.

The ABEC scale ranges from 1 to 9, with higher numbers indicating greater precision. However, it is important to note that a higher ABEC rating does not necessarily mean better performance, as other factors such as material and design can also affect performance.

In fact, many skateboarders argue that ABEC ratings are not a reliable indicator of performance, as they are not specific to the needs of skateboarders.

Some skateboard bearing manufacturers have even created their own rating systems to better reflect the needs of skateboarders.

Ultimately, the best way to determine the quality of a skateboard bearing is through personal experience and testing.

Built-in Spacers and Speed Rings

Some skateboard bearings come with built-in spacers and speed rings, which can make installation and maintenance easier.

Spacers are small tubes that fit between the bearings to maintain proper spacing and prevent the bearings from compressing when tightened.

Speed rings are small washers that fit on the axle between the bearings to reduce friction and increase speed.

Having built-in spacers and speed rings can save time and hassle, as they eliminate the need to purchase and install separate components. They can also improve performance by reducing friction and ensuring proper spacing.

However, it is important to note that not all skateboard bearings come with built-in spacers and speed rings, and they may not be necessary for all riding styles.

Bearing Shields

Bearing shields are small metal or plastic covers that protect the bearings from dirt, dust, and debris. They can be removable or non-removable, and different types of shields can affect performance.

Non-removable shields are typically more durable, but can also create more friction and heat. Removable shields are easier to clean and maintain, but may not provide as much protection.

Some skateboarders prefer to remove their bearing shields altogether for maximum speed and performance.

However, this can also leave the bearings more exposed to dirt and debris, which can lead to increased wear and tear. Ultimately, the decision to use bearing shields or not is a personal one based on riding style, terrain, and preference.

Brand and Quality

Like with any skateboard component, the brand and quality of the bearings can affect performance and durability. It is important to choose reputable brands and high-quality bearings for optimal performance and longevity.

Some well-known skateboard bearing brands include Bones, Independent, Bronson, and Oust.

High-quality skateboard bearings are typically made of steel or a hybrid material, with smooth and polished races and balls.

They should also be well-lubricated and free from debris and dirt. Lower-quality bearings may have rough races and balls, and may not be as well-lubricated or clean. It is important to invest in high-quality bearings for a better riding experience and to avoid premature wear and tear.

How to Maintain Your Longboard Bearings

Maintaining your longboard bearings is essential for optimal performance and longevity. Here are some tips on how to maintain your longboard bearings:

  • Keep them clean: Dirt, dust, and debris can build up in your bearings and cause them to slow down or stop working altogether. To keep your bearings clean, use a bearing cleaner or degreaser to remove any dirt or debris.
  • Lubricate them: Lubricating your bearings will help them run smoothly and prevent them from seizing up or locking up. Use a bearing lubricant or oil to lubricate your bearings regularly.
  • Replace them when necessary: Bearings can wear out over time, and when they do, it is essential to replace them. Signs that your bearings need to be replaced include loud or uneven wheel rotation, excessive wobbling or shaking, or a rough ride.
downhill skating

FAQs about Longboard Bearings

  1. How often should I clean my longboard bearings?

It is recommended to clean your longboard bearings at least once every few months, or more often if you ride frequently in dirty or dusty conditions.

  1. Can I use any type of lubricant on my longboard bearings?

No, it is important to use a lubricant that is specifically designed for longboard bearings. Using the wrong type of lubricant can damage your bearings or cause them to wear out more quickly.

  1. Can I replace my bearings myself, or do I need to take my longboard to a professional?

While it is possible to replace your bearings yourself, it can be a bit tricky and requires some tools and know-how. If you are not confident in your ability to replace your bearings, it is best to take your longboard to a professional for maintenance.

  1. How do I know if my bearings need to be replaced?

Some signs that your bearings need to be replaced include loud or uneven wheel rotation, excessive wobbling or shaking, or a rough ride.

  1. Are ceramic bearings worth the extra cost?

While ceramic bearings are more expensive than steel or hybrid bearings, they do offer some benefits, such as being more durable and resistant to wear and tear. Whether or not they are worth the extra cost is a personal decision based on your riding style, budget, and preferences.


Longboard bearings are an essential component of your longboard setup, and choosing the right ones can greatly affect your riding experience. It is important to consider factors such as material, durability, cost, and riding style when choosing bearings. Maintaining your bearings through regular cleaning and lubrication is also important for optimal performance and longevity. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this beginner’s guide, you can make an informed decision when selecting and maintaining your longboard bearings.


Thinking about a cruiser board, check out our article here.

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