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Ultimate Guide to Skating a Pumptrack

If you’re a fan of skateboarding, BMX biking, or roller skating, you may be familiar with pumptracks. These compact, circuit-like tracks are designed with rollers and banked turns that allow riders to gain momentum and propel themselves without pedaling or pushing. Pumptracks are a fun way to hone your skills and test your agility, but they can also be challenging to navigate. In this ultimate guide, we’ll give you everything you need to know about skating a pumptrack.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a pumptrack?
  2. Types of pumptracks
  3. Benefits of pumptrack skating
  4. Getting Started
    • Choosing the right gear
    • Basic pumptrack technique
    • Safety tips
  5. Intermediate techniques
    • Pumping on the flats
    • Carving through turns
    • Manualing
    • Jumping
  6. Advanced techniques
    • Airs
    • Spins
    • Transfers
  7. Building your own pumptrack
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQs

What is a pumptrack?

A pumptrack is a type of track that is designed for cycling, skateboarding, or roller skating. It consists of a circuit with rollers and banked turns that allow riders to gain momentum by “pumping” through the track. The design of the pumptrack allows riders to gain speed without the need to pedal or push, making it a unique challenge for riders.


Types of pumptracks

There are many different types of pumptracks, each with its own unique features and challenges. Some are designed for BMX bikes, while others are designed for skateboards or roller skates. pumptracks are built from dirt, while others are made from concrete or asphalt. Some pumptracks are large and complex, while others are small and simple. The most common types of pumptracks include BMX pumptracks, skateboard pumptracks, and roller-skate pumptracks.

Benefits of pumptrack skating

Pumptrack skating offers a range of benefits, both physical and mental. For starters, it’s a great way to stay active and get exercise. Skating a pumptrack can help improve your balance, coordination, and agility. It’s also a fun way to challenge yourself and test your limits. Pumptrack skating can be done alone or with friends, making it a great social activity. Finally, pumptrack skating can help improve your overall skateboarding or BMX biking skills.

Getting Started

Before you hit the pumptrack, there are a few things you should know. First and foremost, you’ll need to choose the right gear. This includes a skateboard, BMX bike, or roller skates, as well as appropriate safety gear such as a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads.

Once you have your gear, it’s time to start learning the basics of pumptrack technique. The most important thing to remember when skating a pumptrack is to pump through the track. This means using your body weight to generate momentum as you move through the rollers and turns. It’s important to keep your body loose and relaxed, and to use your arms to help generate momentum.

It’s also important to practice safety tips when skating a pumptrack. This includes wearing appropriate safety gear, staying alert and aware of your surroundings, and avoiding risky maneuvers. But overall it is important to keep track of other riders on the track and take the proper line to not interfere with others. usually, the track will follow a path that keeps things organized but be aware that some riders won’t follow the right path and it’s up to you to be the better skater and adjust to their mistakes.

Intermediate techniques

Once you’ve mastered the basics of pumptrack skating, it’s time to start working on intermediate techniques. This includes pumping on the flats, carving through turns, manualing, and jumping.

Pumping on the flats involves generating momentum on flat sections of the pumptrack. This is done by using your body weight to compress and extend your legs as you move through the rollers and turns.

Carving through turns involves using your body weight to smoothly transition through banked turns. This can be done by leaning into the turn and using your arms to help guide you through the curve. some prefer a certain direction of riding, either facing the track or facing away from the track. eventually, an experienced rider will be comfortable with both orientations.

Manualing involves riding on your back wheels only, without touching the front wheels to the ground. This is a challenging technique that requires good balance and control.

Jumping involves launching yourself off of the rollers or jumps on the pumptrack. This can be done by compressing your body and then explosively extending your legs and arms as you leave the ramp. Make sure to compensate for the angle of the ground you will be landing on and adjust your balance accordingly or you might force a manual and have your board shoot out from under you.

Advanced techniques

For more experienced riders, there are a variety of advanced techniques that can be learned on the pumptrack. These include airs, spins, and transfers.

Airs involve launching yourself into the air off of the ramps on the pumptrack. This can be done by using a combination of pumping and jumping techniques.

Spins involve rotating your body in mid-air. This can be done by using your arms and legs to initiate the rotation.

Transfers involve transitioning from one section of the pumptrack to another. This can be done by jumping from one ramp to another, or by using a combination of pumping and carving techniques.

Building your own pumptrack

If you’re a serious pumptrack enthusiast, you may want to consider building your own pumptrack. This can be done with the help of a professional pumptrack builder, or by using a DIY pumptrack kit.

When building your own pumptrack, it’s important to choose the right location and materials. A pumptrack should be built on a flat, level surface, and should be made from materials that can withstand weather and wear and tear.


Skating a pumptrack is a fun and challenging way to improve your balance, coordination, and agility. By mastering the basics of pumptrack technique and practicing intermediate and advanced techniques, you can become a skilled pumptrack rider. Whether you’re a skateboarder, BMX biker, or roller skater, the pumptrack offers a unique and exciting challenge that is sure to keep you engaged and motivated.


  1. Is pumptrack skating safe? Yes, pumptrack skating can be safe as long as proper safety gear is worn and safety precautions are taken.
  2. What gear do I need to skate a pumptrack? You will need a skateboard, BMX bike, or roller skates, as well as appropriate safety gear such as a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads.
  3. How do I pump through a pumptrack? Pumping through a pumptrack involves using your body weight to generate momentum as you move through the rollers and turns. Shift your body weight as you roll down and up on the track. You want to stay very loose to maintain balance.
  4. How do I improve my pumptrack skills? Practice is key when it comes to improving your pumptrack skills. Start with the basics and gradually work your way up to more advanced techniques.
  5. Can I build my own pumptrack? Yes, you can build your own pumptrack with the help of a professional pumptrack builder or a DIY pumptrack kit.

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